My first post was written immediately after the North-Western section of the Olympic Park reopened. This month the rest of the Park has finally reopened nearly two years after the games and I thought it would only be right to visit it and see if they had built some better quality cycling infrastructure this year than the stuff they built last year.
Firstly they have made the odd alteration to some of the cycle infrastructure that was already in place, such as removing the end of this cycle lane so it doesn't imply you are meant to cycle into the kerb
and moving an electrical box out of this one outside the Copper Box
Just a shame they didn't plan these lanes a little better before actually putting them down in the first place. Unfortunately they have made no improvements to Westfield Avenue, the dual carriageway which leads to the 5,000+ capacity car park in the Westfield shopping Centre and runs alongside the Olympic Park. This was also the main entrance to the Olympic Park back in 2012 and is still the main entrance most people use coming from Stratford station to the newly opened South Park and the Aquatics centre. Last year I described how it was a bit of a pain to constantly give way to pedestrian crossings and bus shelters. Whilst still being a pain I would say it is now actually quite dangerous indeed. Back then the southern section of the Olympic Park was still all locked away and not a single bus went down this road so pedestrian footfall was very low indeed. However it is now served by two bus routes and people often wait for buses after shopping at Westfield

The cycle track gives way to both people who are already crossing from the main entrance of the Olympic Park to get to Westfield and Stratford station and also gives way for people who are waiting to cross. Meaning you have to give way about 99% of the time.

The vast empty concrete area to the right of here is where the army searched people in the summer of 2012. It will eventually be the International Quarter; a "new metropolitan business district for London" meaning this cycle path will be totally unusable in a few years time when you have to give way to the 25,000 people expected to be working in those skyscrapers. Or the 54,000 football fans that will also need to cross here. Or the many thousands of people just coming to the park itself. Meanwhile the road to the left of the cycle track is a large dual carriageway with a vast central reservation; an obscene waste of space that could have been used for cycle tracks on either side of the road that are separated from both the pavement and the road.

If you continue along the cycle track it suddenly stops dead, if you want to turn right onto Montfichet Road then the cycle lane continues on the pavement on the opposite side of that large concrete wall on the other side of the road. To access it you have to use four pedestrian crossings.

or you can cycle on Montfichet Road which has no cycle lane on one side and what must be one of the most narrow cycle lanes in London on the other

The cycle track on the pavement on Montfichet Road is simply awful and back in January they stuck a traffic light pole in the middle of it whilst they were constructing a new crossing after the track had already been built. They've fixed that now by simply rubbing out the paint of the cycle track here

Remember this road did not exist at all a few years ago, it was just a building site and wasn't built until shortly before the Olympics. I remember cycling on the Greenway back in 2010 watching them build the flyover that this road would become and wondering if t would be a temporary road just for the Olympics or part of "the legacy". They had the money, time and space to design it well and they totally messed it up with seemingly no thought or proper planning going into the cycle infrastructure whatsoever.
The reason they built the pedestrian crossing above back in January is because this is the location of the road leading into and out of the aquatics centre car park. "very limited pay and display parking" says their website; however there is certainly a lot more car parking spaces then there are cycling stands
Could you see your 8 year old daughter or 70 year old grandmother cycling out of this brand new road leading from the car park, constructed within the past few months?

The other road that leads to the aquatics centre is Carpenter's Road. This was one of the roads that existed back before the Olympic Park was built and was almost all various industrial buildings and car repair workshops. It has been rebuilt with an on road cycle lane which stops at every bus stop

And to rub it in they left a piece of land to the left of the pavement that is just the right size for what would make an excellent two way cycle track

The other road that exists in the southern section of the park is the loop road, which curves around the stadium. Originally built for construction traffic to move around the park when it was a building site it was then used as a service road during the Olympics to ferry athletes, the media and others working at the park during the games. It now forms a ring road round the southern section of the park. The cycle lane along the eastern stretch is advisory and narrow; you can see the acres of space they have here to play with

on the bottom section an excellent new path has been built linking the Greenway with the loop road. However on the loop road itself they appear to have a two tier provision for people cycling; a shared use pavement for less confident cyclists and on road cycle lane for more confident ones, instead of just building a cycle track suitable for all, like they do in the Netherlands

Well shared use until you actually get to somewhere you want to go to
and here is the other section of the loop road to the west of the stadium. This section isn't actually open yet but you can ride or walk along it if there is no security there until you get to the old Big Breakfast house where barriers block the road off for construction of the canal park. They've built a new path alongside the big breakfast house linking the canal to the Olympic Park so that'll be handy when it opens. However back on the loop road we find the same narrow advisory cycle lanes painted on it. It also has quite wide pavements despite the fact they are not planning to build anything along here so isn't really anywhere you'd expect to see many pedestrians at all. A canal is to the left here beyond those trees so plenty of space to either build a two way cycle track off the road, or decent tracks on each side
In fact if you go on Google street view you can see how it looked back in 2012, just months before the games, and the amount of space they had here.
One section I didn't get to see last year was the section of Waterden road that runs through Hackney. Back in 2007 this road served mainly bus depots and allotments, today it runs past the very ugly International broadcast centre, since renamed iCITY and the home of BT Sport. As Waterden Road slices through the centre of the park in Newham it is a wide dual carriageway where almost every single motorists fails to observe the 20mph speed limit. However as it turns into Hackney it becomes single carriageway despite there being more than enough space here for it to continue as dual carriageway. It also has a wide, segregated two way cycle track which all side roads give way to, including the road leading to the Copper Box car park
it's not perfect; the pavement on the other side of the road is quite narrow yet has shared space signs for cycles, the zebra crossings don't link up with the paths leading from the park towards Wallis Road in Hackney Wick and lorries can park on the track. However this part of the Olympic park that is located in Hackney has some of the best cycle and pedestrian infrastructure to be found here.
It doesn't last long though as that quite good cycle track does just simply end when you get to the massive multi-story car park in the North-western section of the park; and boy is it a whopper, so big I could barely fit it into one shot

What used to be dedicated space for cycling now gone and replaced by two way traffic and a large shared use pavement

And onto where the Eastway meets the A12, this is where Dan Harris was tragically killed by an Olympic bus during the games. They've spent the past few months readjusting this junction and it is now a mess of slip roads and very difficult to navigate either on a bike or as a pedestrian. It is a tricky junction if you're on a bike as a lot of traffic wants to do an extreme left, almost a U-turn to get onto the A12 southbound towards Central London and the Blackwall tunnel (exactly as the bus that killed Dan Harris was trying to do). However cyclists are banned from the A12 so will always want to carry on straight ahead towards Leyton. They've spent a lot of time and money rebuilding this junction since the games and have reinstalled the ASL which they removed during the games. They have also added a yellow sign warning people cycling to look out for vehicles turning left

and then another for vehicles turning left to "Beware of cyclists"

Again they've made the pavements and crossings shared use but kept ASL's on the road catering to two types of people cycling. The junction here is massive and there is plenty of space to "go Dutch".
There is a brand new, as yet unopened, road along the top of the park, this was again part of the service road ferrying athletes and officials around during the games and you can again walk or cycle along it if security are not around. As you can see from this map of the park in 2030 this road will have nothing along it, no homes or businesses; it simply links one side of the park with the other, despite there being a huge dual carriageway which slices through the centre of the park that already does this. It has little space for cycling but space for pointless diagonal lines in the middle of the road

It also has wide pavements (shared use, of course) despite the fact that I suspect you will hardly ever see anyone walking along this road as there is nothing on it at all and there seemingly never will be. The cycle lanes also just ends as you approach the junction, without so much as an ASL to help you out.

We then find ourselves on Temple Mills Lane, which runs along the eastern side of the park. Here the two way on pavement cycle track reappears and of course disappears as soon as the velodrome bus stop arrives

Note the large area to the left here, perfect size for a wide two way cycle track that would by-pass the bus stop, however the planners have just put some mud here instead. The cycle track does then continue for a short section until both cyclists and pedestrians have to give way to cars travelling to the velodrome car park.

As I passed the velodrome this weekend the car park was full, as was the parking on the road outside

Olympic Park Avenue then runs from the velodrome back towards Westfield Avenue. It has no space for cycling on it but space for car parking on both sides of the road forcing you to ride in the sustrans approved primary position

Thanks to Google earths historical aerial photography feature I know that in the photo above I'm stood in the exact spot of the southern loop of the Eastway cycle circuit. Less than ten years ago this entire area was devoted solely to bikes. The road then does then have a two way cycle path on the pavement again from here down to the bridge over Stratford international station but again no clear way to access it and if you didn't already know it was there you would have cycled past on the road without seeing it.

Here is what this area looked like during the games as a reminder of the amount of space they had to play with here

However you're probably best sticking to the road instead as along here you will eventually be forced to give way to what will one day be a residential side road into Chobham Manor
They obviously expect people to use the road as it has two tier provision again at this junction, shared use pavements and crossings alongside an ASL on the road.
Pushing the button at the pedestrian crossing I had to wait for about a minute while absolutely no traffic whatsoever passed before the signals changed to stop no traffic at all and signalling it was safe for me to cross. It was only as I got to the other side of the Toucan crossing I saw the "no cycling" sign on the pavement forcing you back onto the road again so not really sure what the point of this crossing is

When they do eventually build Chobham Manor and its streets have absolutely no provision for cycling on them please do remember the amount of space they had here at their disposal

We then come to the new school in the park, which opened late last year. I was in the area a couple of months back and happened to be passing shortly after after three when it was time for the school run. Despite this being just a short walk away from one of the best connected railway stations in the country the cars were parked up outside three rows deep; on the pavement, on the double yellow lines and also slap bang in the middle of the road.

Finally we come to the East Village itself, where the athletes stayed during the games and which was marketed in videos showing everyone cycling and boasting of a "cycle space for every home" (which is a legal requirement in the Netherlands). Unfortunately they did not build any actual space for cycling, just narrow roads
and some monster sized pavements. This van has helpfully parked on the pavement to help illustrate this
Note you can see the large white lorry parked up on double yellow lines in both pictures above which shows the amount of space between the two buildings. They've also built wide pavements at the junctions and then just painted the smallest bike symbols possible on the road itself

Some of the new properties built have one way streets for all vehicles so if you live in one of those flats to the right of the picture you're meant to cycle all the way round this square to get to it

Also in the East village is Victory Park, which is quite nice and the mirror labyrinth is worth a visit but it does have this rather pointless cycle lane that goes from nowhere to nowhere, I just can't see any reason as to why they built it

Underground car parking does exist in every block within the East village, although there is a weekly charge along with a waiting list. The owners admit that demand will exceed supply and there is likely to be a long wait for available spaces. Compare this to the new development of Kloostereen in the Netherlands, which will eventually have 9000 homes. Every single home has more than adequate car parking so there will be no neighborhood disputes and no Parking mad TV programme to be made there. They still expect 86 cycle trips to be made per day per 100 residents in Kloostereen though as cycling was designed into the development from the beginning. Important to note that if you make driving or parking harder it doesn't necessarily mean more people will cycle but if you concentrate on building decent cycling infrastructure that is appealing and safe for all then you will see more people cycling.
And finally the extremely wide road leading from the East Village towards Stratford station, which you're highly unlikely to see any children riding home from the new school at any point in the near future

turning right at the end here takes you past the barely used Stratford International station and then back onto Westfield Avenue where if you want to access the two way cycle track on the other side or access the main park as a pedestrian, then you have to use four pedestrian crossings and wait in three separate pedestrian pens
So whilst the artists impressions of the park always seem to show people cycling and walking, and the promotional videos talk of cycle spaces for every home and of how well connected the area is by public transport the reality is a park is designed and catered for motorists. Huge wide roads with absolutely no restrictions on them for any vehicles. Enough parking for thousands and thousands of cars. Pedestrian crossings that take ages to wait for the green man and where in places you need to wait in multiple pedestrian pens just to cross from one side of the road to the other. Crap cycle lanes that are designed so badly they are in places totally unusable. Every part of the road network within the park has been designed about accommodating motorists as best as possible with any pedestrian or cycling infrastructure seemingly a mere afterthought.
Nearly ten billion pounds was used to build the Olympic park which could and should have been designed around people, not cars. It could have been very different but is instead a once in a generation opportunity well and truly missed.
I have cycled some of the more main route which are bad enough, but the new residential areas are truly shocking. As you state, this was essentially a clean sheet and to have done this so badly is a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteI went to the park with a group of friends last week, by public transport (overground line), carrying olding bikes, and hoping to enjoy a good look around the 'legacy' park. Total nightmare. The overground train was brilliant, but just getting into the park with bikes was an obstacle course. No signage. No cycle route to the park ... the one sign we found was ambiguous, and pointed us in the wrong direction. The park was brilliant, but certainly not cycle-friendly. No hope of exploring on two wheels. Going home, with only some half-baked bits of on/off, patchy, inconvenient, cycle route to be seen, we had to push our bikes through crowds of pedestrians and shoppers. It took ages, and we annoyed everyone. Never again!
ReplyDeleteAs always cycle provision is just a clumsily tacked on addition. I imagine the cycle angle only gets introduced into the planning process once the main designs are already finalized, as a "Wait a second, this government guidance says we need something for cyclists before we get the 'sustainable' label.". This development perfectly illustrates the government's lack of commitment to cycling, catering to cycling is clearly seen only as something to pacify a small sub-section of voters.
ReplyDeleteGreat job writing all this up. It looks like an awful missed opportunity. If they were at all serious about an "Olympic legacy", the Olympic Park would have been an exemplar of pedestrian- and cycle-friendliness. The exact same mistake is being made around these parts for the Commonwealth Games village. Sad.
ReplyDeleteI booked a taster session at the Lee Valley Velopark. I received the following instructions:
ReplyDeleteHow to get here
Lee Valley VeloPark is at Abercrombie Road, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London E20 3AB.
We strongly recommend travelling by public transport to Lee Valley VeloPark, allowing plenty of time to get to the venue. Please plan your journey ahead of your visit to check for any planned closures or engineering works. For more travel information please check our plan your visit page.
Bike hire / bringing your own bike
You can hire bikes at the venue if they are not already included in the cost of your activity. However, if you wish to bring your own bike please bear in mind restrictions on public transport.
Just seen this is on their website as well. Ridiculous.
DeleteRiding a brakeless track bike on the roads is pretty ridiculous too, surely? What's wrong with telling people that they may not be able to get it on public transport. Granted they should also tell people that if they want to ride to the Velodrome, they'll need to remove the brake before they're allowed to ride in it.
DeleteAnd people using the road cycling circuit? or Mountain biking? Or BMX circuit? Or spectators?
DeleteI should have specified - I had booked for the road circuit. And I DID cycle there, with my son, despite the atrocious facilities.
DeleteAn interesting/depressing read. When the flagship/legacy developments are done to this standard, it kills all hope ;-(
ReplyDeleteThat's a really good detailed review of the park and I agree it isn't as good as it should be. They definitely need to make improvements, but I cycle this on my way to work for the last 9 months (from before the main bits reopened) and it's not a disgrace like some people are saying. There are is a lot wrong with it, but the full park isn't fully open yet and every time they've opened more it's been better. There is a lot of space and there is the potential to make it really good if we keep up the pressure.
ReplyDeleteOne thing is that the park has an awful lot of road, some of which (like the loop road) don't really go anywhere at all (so very few cars or bikes currently use it - it just goes round in a big loop!). Some of the roads you've picked up on (like the one outside the health centre) are not main routes and currently have very little traffic - neither the main cycle routes nor the main car routes go that way. It's important to recognise that although all the streets look grand, some might be quiet residential side roads in terms of traffic volumes, which is really nice for the people who live on them, so might not much cycle infrastructure if the traffic is kept low.
What the park really needs to work out are the key cycle routes and make them high quality from beginning to end, well signed and with priority. They also need to make sure these main routes connect well to cycling infrastructure beyond the park in a joined up way. At the moment, as shown in the blog post, it's more than a bit confused.
Once they've sorted out the main routes well enough the cyclists should generally follow those (if they're done well enough). For other routes if there are few cyclists shared pavements might be OK for busy roads (as long as there aren't going to be lots of pedestrians in the same space, like at bus stops) and cycle lanes may be OK for quiet streets.
Note that the entrances to the north of the park from Leyton are not expected to open for several weeks, so only then will people be able to use it for as a through route in all directions. They've also been changing the road layouts, several of which are still not open. It's definitely going to be one we need to keep watching and keep coming back to.
I can understand the disappointment but I think it can be made a success. I honestly don't recognise some of the comments above and I did a full tour of the park at the weekend to see all the bits not on one of my routes (it's on my doorstep, which is awesome). I am happy to run a short tour in return for a pint at Crate...
But why do we have to keep up the pressure? Or hope that they sort the main roads out? Why not just build it properly in the first place? I admire your optimism but I see little evidence they will sort it out to be honest.
DeleteYes he roads are quiet now but they are going to build thousands and thousands of homes here so they won't be for long! Yes the road leading past the medical centre is a residential road but it is also one of the entrances into the park, via Liberty Bridge Road. What happens when tens of thousands more people live here and everyone is Christmas shopping at Westfield. These residential streets have zero restrictions on them so fine to not have any cycle lanes on them as long as you blocked them off to through traffic, if you don't do that then they are just roads.
Why do we have to keep up the pressure? Well I think you've answered that pretty well - they didn't do it well enough in the first place and the roads are likely to get busier.
DeleteAll road in London are bad, but even over in NL they're still making improvements. The unfortunate fact is that we are going to have to fight hard in every borough and every local area and with each new set of transport planners. I have to be optimistic because if I didn't think we would keep getting improvements I would get on the ferry and not come back!
P.s. If you wanted to start a petition/campaign I am sure Stop Killing Cyclists would be happy to support it (I am a member of the group). In tooting they have had some success with the website 38 degrees which seems pretty good and is easy to use (at least it's easy to sign petitions).
DeleteI cycle through the park from Hackney to Stratford with my son on the back of my bike each weekend. The facilities are embarrassingly bad. They are the flimsiest of after-thoughts. There is just so much space everywhere, and so little given to cyclists. This was a blank slate, and this is what they come up with.
DeleteI went to watch the SCCU Good Friday Meeting at the Velodrome. I went by foot.
ReplyDeleteGetting from Stratford station to the Velopark by foot was confusing and frustrating. Signage was exceptionally poor, and it was clear outside Westfield that as a pedestrian I was way down the pecking order from cars. But I was marvelling at just how shocking the cycle infra is. Truly, mesmerizingly, awful. That bus stop especially- in one picture it is easy to sum up the total lack of thought involved.
The design is borderline criminal. The very idea of building such huge car parks for the shopping centre is mindbendingly awful.
Looking at the picture of the parking at the velodrome though- was this taken Friday? The large number of vans/campers would suggest it was. One thing about track cycling- really isn't practical to cycle to the venue, as to be allowed the track a bike can't be road legal, as it must be a brakeless fixed gear bike. They also all bring a set of rollers with them- so really, driving is (unfortunately and ironically) the only way for competitors to get there
I have written to my MP with reference to this article and the London 2012 Legacy documents. May I ask others reading this to do the same?
Hello Sir George,
I hope that you had a lovely Easter weekend.
A report has come out about the poor - and potentially dangerous - state of the newly installed cycling infrastructure in and around the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park:
Gold after gold medal was won by elite British cyclists during the Games and they inspired a generation (I know, I have two young kids!). However, the generation who were to benefit from the London 2012 Legacy have been let down by the Department for Transport with poorly designed cycling infrastructure.
This sorry state is not what was promised in the Legacy documents (see below). For example, one says: "The Park is extremely cycle-friendly, with wide cycle paths and plenty of bike parking facilities" and "Walking, cycling and public transport are the primary ways to get around. Compact streets encourage slow moving local traffic."
The reality, as the first-hand report above demonstrates, does not live up to the promise.
What will you be doing to ensure that the Department of Transport - and others - puts right the poor cycling provision at the Park, so that the Legacy can be fulfilled?
1) Beyond 2012 The London 2012 Legacy Story*:
- p61: "£10m investment in upgrading pedestrian and cycling routes to Olympic
venues, with more than 60 projects promoting greener travel inspired by London 2012"
- p73: "One of many health projects linked to the Games is Hackney Council’s Bike Across the Borough project."
2) Inspired by 2012: The legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games:
- p37: 75km of cycle paths have been created leading into and around
Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
3) Your Sustainability Guide for Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park 2030:
- p17: Approaching from Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest or Newham you will find that the Park is a foot and cycle-friendly neighbourhood.
- p19: The Park is extremely cycle-friendly, with wide cycle paths and plenty of bike parking facilities.
- p21: "...neighbourhoods designed to optimise walking and cycling with facilities..."
- p22: Streets and public realm are designed to favour pedestrians and cyclists
- p23: Walking, cycling and public transport are the primary ways to get around. Compact streets encourage slow moving local traffic
- p58: Design walkable and cycle-friendly neighbourhoods with safe streets
and paths, and secure cycle parking in homes, offi ces, and venues.
- p58: Support demand management techniques to discourage private
transport and encourage public transport, car-sharing, car-clubs,
cycling, and walking.
- p58: Ensure that 95% of visitors to events and attractions arrive by public
transport, cycle, or foot
Andrew, that's a really good & well referenced letter - I suggest you also send it to Boris (I think cycling emails sent to mayor@ also reach Andrew Gilligan) and Fred
DeleteSorry I missed off
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSuch a shame as the park is generally very pleasant to bike through. It's like they built a standard road and street layout then went "Oh crap, we need to get a bike lane in here". Well-meaning, but a lack of planning and foresight leading to a not very joined up result.
ReplyDeleteI'd be interested to know the backgorund of the designers. If we can have Dutch drainage specialists over to sort out the flooding, maybe we should get some of their road designers over here to help us get the roads right?
The U-turn from the Eastway/A12 junction is really dangerous. We dismounted & waited for the lights here. When the green man showed for us, the traffic from the eastway also had a green light. None of the cars/lorries & taxis noticed the red light where we were starting to cross. As they came round this sharp corner they must have assumed it was for another route & sped up to go up the entrance ramp. We had to retreat, wait for that traffic to stop and then run across during the red man before another accelerating stream of traffic came through from another direction. The southern access route to Stratford isn't much fun either, even for an experienced cyclist with the narrow lanes & poor signage.
ReplyDeleteWith these exceptions at the access & entrance points I found (late evening) the park itself really quiet and cycling around was very pleasant. However this is a park designed for a long future, with dense surrounding development planned including work places and residential.
Why not make use of the opportunity now to create well connected cycle infrastructure & a create a legacy that means the council doesn't have to advise school children against cycling? An active legacy is after all a much touted aim of the park.
Speaking of legacy - the LLDC need to be held responsible for the inside of the park rather than the councils themselves as the LLDC are both (!) the delivery body and the planning authority in this area.... political representation is through the Mayor of London/GLA or indirect via pressure from the neighbouring boroughs.
Perhaps local representation can have more direct impact on the access arrangements?
I totally agree. It's very dangerous.
DeleteI'm attending the Six Day London event at the Velodrome on Wednesday and would like to travel by bike. Can anyone advise whether safe and secure cycle storage is provided at the venue? I couldn't find much of use on the official site.
ReplyDeleteWith thanks for any help.